Monday, July 15, 2013

Making My Own Mayonnaise

In an effort to eat only real food, (at least 80% of the time anyway, I'm not a saint people) I've decided to attempt making my own mayonnaise.  I have a friend who inspired me, and today was the day I attempted it for the first time.

The recipe I used came from this site.

My farm fresh egg is in the blender with the salt, pepper and lemon juice.

And it became this.

Final notes to self for next time: When stirring in the final stages be sure to wait for the blades to stop completely before placing spatula into the blender your doesn't require homemade mayonnaise to be healthy. Also, stop blender when consistency is reached or it will become a liquid and be ruined, requiring a second attempt.


  1. I made my own mayonnaise once. I really should do it again but I found the oil a bit too strong. Maybe I will use a milder tasting oil.

  2. extra light olive oilIs what I used the taste was good. A friend said avocado oil is the bomb.

  3. extra light olive oilIs what I used the taste was good. A friend said avocado oil is the bomb.
