Friday, October 23, 2009

Knitting Accomplishments

Been busy knitting! Got the sore arm and shoulder to prove. Not to self: Remember not to sit for long periods of time knitting. Remember to get up and stretch!!

Finished another pair of socks for my sister to give to her priest for Christmas. She liked them so much she ordered another pair for her other priest! That will be 4 pairs of socks I've made for her to give as gifts! The coolest part is she has been paying me for them giving me more money to BUY YARN!! Note to self: Remember to take pictures of socks before putting them into the envelope to be mailed.

Made myself a felted purse. It turned out bigger than the last one I made with this pattern, must be because the yarn was different and felted up different. I'm happy with it regardless. I'll get used to its' size.

Now I'm working on a pair of leg warmers for Faith. She loves to wear skirts and dresses and with the cold weather coming I thought these would prove to be easier than pulling up tights.

All of this done, but I still have a few things from Monday's List of tasks yet to be tackled. I may opt for the knitting time instead! Tah hee hee! Can knitting be considered Martha like? hmmm?

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