Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does it really count?

Does it really count as a collection if you only have 2? and you have only had just 2 for the longest time?
I have a thing for old glass milk bottles. They usually sit on a kitchen window sill, sometimes with flowers in them, and I am crazy about them. I really don't recollect how I even came to own these 2, but I'm thankful I do. Maybe I'm crazy about them because my paternal grandfather was a dairy farmer, and I pray that some day I may just find one that could have belonged to him.

Officially I declare today to begin "collecting" glass milk bottles! (Mike, You've been warned.)

Now, point me to the nearest antique store, I need to add to this "collection".


  1. Um, how much is this gonna cost? Won't this get in the way of your "Yarn Stash"?

  2. Yes, I guess it is in your blood!
