I'm a Catholic mom of 3 great kids, that we home school. I'm a knitting/fiber addict. I write about every day things that happen in my life. Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"You Say it's Your Birthday"...
See what simple things make me happy!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Laundry Day!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Back To Work!
Mike just had a wonderful 4 days off from work. As I blogged on Tuesday, we had hoped to spend time in SC with sister Suzanne, that didn't get to happen. But, we did enjoy being home together for the past 4 days anyway.
Mike goes back to work tomorrow and the kids and I will begin our 3rd quarter in school. Hopefully the next 4 days will go just as fast!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tunnel Vision
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
They are ALL Mine!
Snow?! Are you serious?
Now we need to come up with some fun stuff to do right here at home to dull our pain and sadness, but all should turn out well. We'll try visiting her again in a few weeks.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Blessed Home
It was a wonderful evening. I remembered my nieces advise, about Martha and Mary enjoying Jesus' visit, and that helped immensely! Thank you Joc!
I hadn't stressed too much while preparing for the visit. I asked Haley to vacuum in the morning and when you have that girl get the vacuum going she'll suck up anything that isn't tied down! She was on such a roll I didn't have to worry about any house keeping before company. It was great!
Father seemed to enjoy himself just as much as we did having him, and we plan to have him back. Probably when Mom and Dad visit in April for Easter! Maybe we'll plan to have a few friends over for an open house.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Cold Weather Humorous
We are getting some cold days in Central Virginia! A frigid 28. Being we are New Englanders at heart, this isn't too big a deal. We couldn't help but chuckle when watching the local news last night and the warning to the people of frost bite. Oh but the wind, it may be in the teens. Wow! They even canceled school in couple of counties because of the "frigid" weather. It is crazy!
To my New England brethren, thought you would enjoy the humor!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Personal Therapy
This photo shows some of our organized chaos. http://connecticuttransplants.blogspot.com/2009/01/organized-chaos.html There are boxes to go to the spring church yard sale. Boxes that have lots of old photos, videos and books, for that much anticipated storage room. Over in the left corner is plumbing for the 3rd bathroom if we so decide. The rest of the area will be family room.
To the left (again you can't see it here) Mike has petitioned off a mud room, and again we have to figure out what to do with the floor. The rest of this area will be our family room.
The method for my madness in showing you our chaos it to provide some incentive to getting it all in order. If I post the before, it will inspire us to post the after. I do realize it may take us several more months (or a year) to get this where we want it to be. But, until now I avoided even going down there. That can't happen any more. I need to confront this and tackle it!
Please realize for my a-type personality this is a huge step for me. I'm allowing you to see my mess! A mess I wish I could snap my fingers at and have just the way I want it immediately. But, I can't and it will some day be the way we envision it, all in due time.
Realization: This blog has been like therapy for me.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Today's Progress
Sleepless in Virginia
You may know that we were living in a house that we were renting, but decided we couldn't live there any longer so, we bought our new house. However, we couldn't break the lease and were still paying for the other place also. Well, because we have 6 months left in the lease we were taking our time emptying the house out. The things from Connecticut we had never unpacked. Mike went to the house last night and couldn't get in. The key didn't work!! The neighbor also informed him the pesticide company was in the house on Saturday spraying for bugs. We were never notified!! Because it isn't critical for us to get in we left them a message on their answering machine and expect a call back today.
They are in violation of the lease! This is good news for us, because now we are no longer obligated to pay. Right? However, we still have things in the house we no longer have access to.
I'll keep you posted on how things go, but if you have any words of advise I'm open to listening. Prayers will also help. Prayers to give me the words and calmness to handle this conflict.
I think I'll knit while I wait for kids to wake. It always makes me happy!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Just Being the Mom
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Sweater Finished
Good Day!
It is too bad because I was remarkably calm all day about his visit. The kids were a big part of that. They jumped right in to making our house presentable, without being asked and I was able to focus on the food. NOW that I know how willing they are to make their new home presentable for visitors, I'm thinking of who else we can invite!
With the house all clean and the kids working on school, that leaves me to finish Haley's sweater. I have less than an hour worth of work and she should be able to wear it to church tonight. I'll post a picture later.
It looks like it should be an awesome day!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
What kind of phobia is it?
Why do I always feel like hyperventilating at the prospect of someone coming to visit? It doesn't matter!!!! Are they coming to take pictures for Good Housekeeping? No!
Any words of advise on this strange phobia I've developed?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Organized Chaos
Being that we home school it is outrageous the amount of books we have. The books that all had shelves in Connecticut have yet to find shelves here at the new house. An added task to Mike's honey-do-list.
Well, regardless of the organized chaos of boxes that overshadow us, we love our new home. Slowly I believe it too will become the haven of storage it needs to be.
Note to self: Don't move ever again!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Fits Like a Glove
Friday, January 2, 2009
Planted Trees
Don't you just love the skirt, pants and mud boots?
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A New Resolve
Therefore, this year I'm not going to attempt to "change" anything but rather improve that which God has already given me. Also to appreciate the graces God has blessed me with in my life that much more. Maybe next January 1 I can look back and see some difference from today.
Happy New Year and God Bless!