Monday, January 12, 2009

Sleepless in Virginia

I woke up when Mike was leaving for work, 5:00 am, and couldn't get back to sleep. Here I sit sipping coffee, and surfing the net. I can't sleep because I know I'm going to have a confrontation today with the leasing company of the house we were/are renting and I can't stop thinking about what I'll say.

You may know that we were living in a house that we were renting, but decided we couldn't live there any longer so, we bought our new house. However, we couldn't break the lease and were still paying for the other place also. Well, because we have 6 months left in the lease we were taking our time emptying the house out. The things from Connecticut we had never unpacked. Mike went to the house last night and couldn't get in. The key didn't work!! The neighbor also informed him the pesticide company was in the house on Saturday spraying for bugs. We were never notified!! Because it isn't critical for us to get in we left them a message on their answering machine and expect a call back today.

They are in violation of the lease! This is good news for us, because now we are no longer obligated to pay. Right? However, we still have things in the house we no longer have access to.

I'll keep you posted on how things go, but if you have any words of advise I'm open to listening. Prayers will also help. Prayers to give me the words and calmness to handle this conflict.

I think I'll knit while I wait for kids to wake. It always makes me happy!

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